The Club
The Connoisseur Club
We All Love To Save Money!
But No One Likes To Feel “Cheap”
The Connoisseur Club is your introduction to thousands of establishments where you can enjoy the best of food, great wines, accommodation and access to major tourist attractions with massive savings along the way. The many hundreds of restaurants in the Connoisseur Club, ranging from pub bistros and cafes to some of each nation’s finest venues, all have one thing in common – they are proud of what they produce and they want your custom.
With the huge surge of interest in the hospitality industry over the last 20 years and the emergence of so many new places to eat, the choice for the consumer is overwhelming. With this in mind, restaurateurs are looking for an edge to encourage you to try their establishment. Through the Connoisseur Club, you are invited to sample these cafes and restaurants and receive a free main course or a % off the bill.
The invitation they extend to members is provided to encourage your patronage. Help these establishments with a favourable review towards the highly valued “Members’ Choice Awards”. Don’t feel, or get treated, like a second class citizen with a cheap voucher. Feel valued and welcomed by using your Connoisseur Card.
You love to dine out. So why not save every time you do? Join the Connoisseur Club and start saving now! Our policy of continued expansion ensures that members joining today will find that their Connoisseur Club membership increases in value as time goes by. Join the GOLD membership and see the value of your savings increase year after year.